You Already Have the Tools You Need

K3s ships with Traefik Proxy, the open source cloud native edge router. It's more powerful than other ingress controllers and includes features that are perfect for edge environments.

  • The Traefik Proxy Engine

    Learn how traffic flows through Traefik Proxy and the components that interact with it: Entrypoints, Routers, Middleware, and Services.

  • Application Control

    Work with Traefik Proxy's integrated dashboard, exposing it, protecting it, handling multi-path routing, and then securing it with TLS.

  • K3s Resource Management

    Learn how to use the K3s resources like HelmChart, HelmChartConfig, and the manifests directory to customize an installation of Traefik Proxy.

What You'll Learn

This free two-hour course introduces you to Traefik Proxy with hands-on lessons where you will work on exposing and securing an application.

    1. What You'll Get From This Class

    1. What Makes K3s Special?

    2. What Makes Traefik Proxy Special?

    3. The Static Configuration and Its Components

    4. The Dynamic Configuration and Its Components

    5. Introducing the Dashboard

    6. Troubleshooting Traefik Proxy

    7. Handout: Traefik Components Cheat Sheet

    1. Access the Dashboard With Port Forwarding

    2. Expose the Dashboard With an Ingress

    3. Secure the Dashboard With Middleware

    4. Is It Middleware or Middlewares?

    5. Migrate From Ingress to IngressRoute

    6. Secure the Dashboard With TLS

    7. Customize Traefik With the HelmChart Custom Resource

    8. Pop Quiz!

    1. What Happens Next?

    2. Leave a Review

    3. Share Your Success!

About This Course

  • Free
  • 19 lessons
  • Video and text
  • Hands-on exercises

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